Thursday 26 December 2013

My Storksak is here finally

After 3 months waiting for my beloved diaperbag, is arrived safely yesterday from UK. Alhamdullilah & thanks to my cousin for bringing it back for me. Gara- gara tumpang bag orang kenalah tunggu cousin cuti semester from study.
Excited punya pasal sampai bawak pergi office yea hari ni. Yahoo. Wink wink 
Semalam Sofilah menjadi mangsa. Suruh jadi model kecik. Kesian tak bayar gaji. Takpe hari ni balik office bagi Sofi upah..

I really love the material, satin nylon because it's easy to clean & the colour of this bag, black. Combination of black & gold make it look stunning and funky. I also like it because it has adjustable shoulder strap. Boleh pakai silang. Senang. Anyway do you notice it kinda look like Prada handbag jugak kan?! Hehehe. tak mampu beli prada belilah storksak.kan?! Boleh nampak bergaya macam celebrity Hollywood. For your information Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts and Brat Pitts pun pakai Storksak. Oleh kerana I minat baca kisah hidup Angelina Jolie kat OMG, ParezHilton and Etc I selalu nampak Angelina Jolie bawak diaper bag Storsak. Since ada Johan, baru lah berangan nak pakai new diaper bag. Dulu masa Sofi kitaorang guna Baby K diaper bag. I still like my Baby K diaper bag tapi hubby prefer bag pack so he could carries on his back. Hopefully dia suka Storksak ni. Semalam dia tak bising pun. Dia pakai ok je. Macam cantik je. 

Please ignore my dusty door. Hehehe. Dah lama tak buat spring cleaning..

Model kecik mummy. Nampak besarnya bag tu.

I love this detachable bag. I keep few ringgits and coins so I don't have to take out my purse. You can attach or unattached it. 

The handbag comes with a detachable bag, padded changing mat & water bottle warmer.
Sofi is 3 years old. The changing mat is big enough the cover half of her body.

Our baby k changing mat

Comparison between storksak & baby k changing mat

Modeling for my new diaper bag

Overall I am so excited and so happy with this bag. For now. Will update again later once I fully utilised it this weekend.

Product: Storksak Olivia
Price: 98 Pound / RM 500++
Where to buy: Bebetotz , Buggybabyboogie
Ps: Memang diaper bag ni gorgeous. Colour dia memang elegant. The gold colour it is so stunning. Memang orang pandang bila I pakai. Ceh wah..tapi betul. Siap datang dekat nak tengok brand apa. Jom lah beli. Kita pakai ramai-ramai.

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