Wednesday 20 November 2013

Cotton On Kids is here at Avenue K

Assalamualaikum & Hi all..
I just came back from a vacation. Not so good vacation sebab demam. Sofi yang paling enjoy. Celik je terus nak pergi swimming & pergi beach.Started working today. Feel like as if today is Monday.. Hehehe.. Takpe tomorrow ada 2 days training. Yahoo!!! out off office again.
Anyway, during lunch hour I went to Avenue K. Guess what!? Yea you are right. The answer is on the header.. Yes Cotton On kids is here. Tak payah pergi One Utama lagi. Alhamdullilah..
Baju kids dia ciut miut.. I wish I could have it all for Sofi & Aman.. Bestnya. Girls dress, tutu skirts, colourful shoes, baby bibs, pants aaaaa semua cuteeeeee.. I want it all!!! But endup balik tangan kosong sebab tak tau which one to choose. I like it all..come see the pics below.
Ni favourite spot I. Dah 3 -4 kali tawaf tapi tak tau mana satu nak beli.Takpe next time I will come & visit sampai shop assistant tu boring tengok muka I. Eh dia ni lagi!! Hehehe

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